Several screenshots Clipboard CopyPaster

Clipboard CopyPaster

Clipboard CopyPaster

Clipboard CopyPaster Android app makes it easy to work with the standard clipboard and has advanced features.

Clipboard CopyPaster

Clipboard CopyPaster

Saving all copied data from the clipboard (texts, links, images, etc.)

Clipboard CopyPaster

Clipboard CopyPaster

Copy saved data from the application to the clipboard and then paste it to the desired location.

Clipboard CopyPaster

Clipboard CopyPaster

Selecting a theme and application design icons.

Clipboard CopyPaster

Clipboard CopyPaster

Ability to select icon positions.

Clipboard CopyPaster

Clipboard CopyPaster

Use biometrics when logging into the application using a password.

Clipboard CopyPaster

Clipboard CopyPaster

Clear clipboard contents.

Clipboard CopyPaster

Clipboard CopyPaster

Export/import data as a backup and the ability to transfer it between devices with the Clipboard CopyPaster application.

Clipboard CopyPaster

Clipboard CopyPaster

Floating window (on top of all windows and applications).

icon Clipboard CopyPaster logo

Clipboard CopyPaster download

Clipboard CopyPaster Pro

Clipboard CopyPaster Pro download

  Clipboard CopyPaster is a manager for working with the clipboard, it can copy and paste various texts and images, manage the history of the clipboard and also has many additional and very necessary functions:
✔ Saving all copied data from the clipboard (texts, links, images, etc.)
✔ Copy saved data from the application to the clipboard and then paste it to the desired location
✔ Ability to edit data
✔ Share saved data
✔ Taking notes
✔ Search in saved data
✔ Create and scan QR code for data exchange
✔ Selecting a theme and application design icons
✔ Ability to select icon positions
✔ Clear clipboard contents
✔ Setting a password to enter the application
✔ Use biometrics when logging into the application using a password
✔ Export/import data as a backup and the ability to transfer it between devices with the Clipboard CopyPaster application
✔ Voice listening to the text of saved notes
✔ Take notes using your voice
✔ Floating window (on top of all windows and applications)
✔ Convert saved data (text or image) to PDF file.
  The app has convenient settings and an intuitive interface. Very convenient for working with content and sending information posts on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
In Android versions 10 and higher:
  To save the contents of the clipboard, after copying it, you need to launch or open the Clipboard CopyPaster app from the notification panel and you can see the saved content in the main window.
Thanks for using Clipboard CopyPaster!

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Work with Clipboard CopyPaster!
Clipboard CopyPaster

Clipboard CopyPaster ON

When the switch is on all copied data to the clipboard will be saved in the application. In versions Android 10 and up: To save the contents of the clipboard after copying it launch or open from the notification panel the Clipboard CopyPaster application and in the main window you can see the saved clipboard contents.

Clipboard CopyPaster

Clipboard CopyPaster OFF

When the switch is off all copied data to the clipboard is not saved in the application.

Clipboard CopyPaster


To paste data from Clipboard CopyPaster to clipboard click on the "copy" icon in the data cell. The selected data will be copied to the clipboard from where you can paste the desired location.

Clipboard CopyPaster

Merging copied data

For merging copied data.

Clipboard CopyPaster


To edit data: click on the "edit" icon and a window with data for editing will open in the desired cell. After editing click "OK" and the edited data will be saved. If you click "Cancel" the data will remain unchanged.

Clipboard CopyPaster


To share: select the data, click the "share" button and select the desired action.

Clipboard CopyPaster

Generate QR code

To create a QR code: click the "QR code" button in the corresponding data cell.

Clipboard CopyPaster

QR code

The created QR code will open in a new window. Another user can scan it on his phone and the data will be transferred.

Clipboard CopyPaster

Scan QR code

To scan a QR code, select "QR/Bar code scanner" in the menu and point the camera of your phone to the QR code to be scanned. The scanned data will be copied to the clipboard and saved to the Clipboard CopyPaster.

Clipboard CopyPaster

Voice listening

Voice listening to text data.

Clipboard CopyPaster

Create PDF

For create PDF file.

Clipboard CopyPaster

Delete item

To delete selected item click the "delete" button in the corresponding data cell.

Clipboard CopyPaster

Delete all item

To delete all data: click the "delete" icon in the control panel.

Clipboard CopyPaster

Sorting data

To sort data in ascending or descending date: click the "sort" button in the control panel.

Clipboard CopyPaster

Saved Images

To view saved images: click the "images" button in the control panel.

Clipboard CopyPaster

All saved Images

All saved images. You can: copy image to clipboard, view images, share image, create PDF file.

Clipboard CopyPaster

Сreate notes

To create your notes: Click the Add button and after entering the text, click OK.

Clipboard CopyPaster

Сreate voice notes

To create voice notes: Click the button, speak the text, and click the "Save" icon.

You can read some reviews about the app.

Please write your review about app. Thanks!

Clipboard CopyPaster download Please write your review about app.
Vera A

Отличное приложение. Лучшее приложение для работы с буфером обмена и создания заметок. Пользуюсь приложением давно. Очень удобно для работы в социальных сетях. Добавлена функция сохранения изображений, очень удобно. Респект!!!

Benjamin Greenhough

It brilliant tool we all use for various projects events links, etc Never get rid of it Google Apple Microsoft etc.

nageshwar rao adhikarala

Application is far from excellent BUT if Transiliation IS also enabled it could have no other alternative AND save installation of multiple applications. Hope Devvelopers will consider my request.


Great app.

Пользователь Google

Программа позволяет иметь несколько буферов обмена для сохранения скопированных данных, с длительной возможностью сохранения текстовых данных, их редактировании и вставке. Проста в использовании. Удивительно экономит время! Рекомендую к установке. Благодарю разработчиков!

Пользователь Google

Спасибо создателям! Очень удобная программа для работы с буфером обмена, значительно упрощает работу при создании и корректировании текстов в мобильном телефоне!

олег николаевич

С изменением положения иконок стало удобнее. Хотя контекстное меню многое меняло бы. С другой стороны кликнул на иконку и манга результат. С одной стороны копируешь и сразу заметка готова. Может оно и лучше так. Лишнее можно просто удалить или отредактировать. Как блокнот для копированных записей хорошая вещь. Еще бы кнопку вкл и выкл в шторке прямо добавить. Или просто кнопка пауза. Что бы быстро включить или выключить копирование в эту программу. Потому как иногда нужен просто буфер обмена.

Artem Silvanchuk

Отличное приложение для упрощения работы со стандартным буфера обмена. Простой и понятный интерфейс. Нет назойливой рекламы. Спасибо разработчикам!

Ree D

Удобное приложение, сразу копирует и в буфер , и к себе. Т.е. можно удобно редактироваать, без лишних движений.


Отличное удобное приложение для тех кто часто работает с документацией и текстами, особенно понравилась функция редактирования!


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